Are you ready to develop your course content right now?
The Online Course Creation Made Easy: Course Design Workbook is a step-by-step workbook to help you plan and develop an entire course.
The Online Course Creation Made Easy: Course Design Workbook can help you
- Develop strong course and module objectives – what will transformation will students achieve if they take your course
- Define the specific outcomes you want for your students – what will students need to know and do to make that transformation
- Evaluate whether your course is meeting your goals – figure out if your course is actually doing what you said it would do
- Design each module with
- Module introductions, so students know where they are going
- Strong, focused lessons, so students get what they need without fluff
- Effective learning activities, so students learn what you need them to, and
- Useful learning assessments, so you and your students know exactly where everyone stands on the learning
- Tie your modules all together into one focused transformative goal for your students
Why is this workbook housed inside a course?
I want to make sure you have the most up-to-date version of the book. Since you have forever access to this course, you will always be able to get the latest version of the workbook.
Hi, I’m Laura.
I'm a veteran educator of more than 20 years and I love, love, love to help people create great online courses. I especially love helping people who've never taught.
If you're interested in creating your online course or improving one you already have, I'd love to help.